My kids love sensory bins, and I love when they are engaged in their learning activities! I added this snowman CVC center to a bin filled with festive red, green, and white pom poms and felt balls to make it even more fun.

Simple Prep
The prep for this activity is super quick. Just print your CVC word cards and your matching picture mats and cut them apart. I used a paper slicer to make that part even quicker. You can print on cardstock and laminate to make your center more durable.

Optional: You can add the word cards into a sensory bin.
Some ideas for sensory bin fillers:
- pom poms
- bells
- shredded paper
- colored rice
- beans
- colored noodles

Center Instructions
Students choose a card from the bin. Then they read the word out loud then match it to the correct picture on one of the mats. There are two words for each short vowel sound. Then they choose another word and repeat until all of the words have been matched to the correct picture.

Here are some of my favorite CVC resources that are perfect to use all year long. Just click the photos to get a closer look!
Ready for your freebie?
Just enter your email below and this freebie will arrive in your inbox shortly. I hope your little readers love this activity!
Here are some more great Christmas freebies from some of my teacher-blogger friends!

Christmas Words Clip Cards // The Primary Brain
Christmas Pattern Block Mats // Fairy Poppins
Christmas CVC Word Sensory Bin Freebie // Literacy with the Littlies
Christmas Count & Graph // Sara J Creations
Looking for more holiday sensory bin ideas? Check out this amazing round up of Christmas sensory activities! Just click the photo to see them all!