I can’t say that I could have ever imagined that we would experience a global pandemic that would keep us all quarantined in our homes. But, since this is our current reality, I want to find ways to make it a positive experience for my children during the time that we are staying safe at home, without letting the fear and stress of the situation get to them.
Out of all of the things that they miss right now, they miss their grandparents the most. That is why I created this letter template, and want to share it with all of you!
Let little ones learn how to write a friendly letter, while sending some smiles to loved ones. My kids are missing their grandparents, and the feeling is definitely mutual. I can’t wait to surprise them with some happy mail. Simply download your freebie, and print the pages that you want to use.
Lots of Options
All of the prompts come with lined or unlined pages. Line pages are perfect for practice writing a friendly letter. The unlined pages are perfect for little ones that aren’t old enough to write. Then they can draw a special picture to send to grandparents in the mail. I also included an option that is titled, “Thinking of You!” This prompt can be used to send anyone a sweet letter.
Check out these other fun learning activities that you can do at home
This memory booklet is a great way for kids to remember the happy memories they made at home during this scary time in the world.
Switching to distance learning is not an easy task. Click here to grab digital and print-and-go resources to make distance learning easier. You can also check out my Instagram page to see educational activities and kid-approved boredom buster ideas.