Everyone learns at their own pace. That’s what makes differentiation in math so important. But coming up with different activities for all of the different kids in our class is A LOT OF WORK! That’s where the Math Boost Binder comes in.

The Math Boost Binder has over 1,300 pages of activities for you to choose from. They are organized by objective and many of the activities come with options for different levels so that you can create a custom binder to give each student a “boost” in math. By customizing each binder, your students will be working specifically on the skills they need to help them grow.
You can make individual binders for all of your students to keep in their desks or you can create “leveled” binders and use them with small groups or individual students since the activities in the boost binders are reusable.
Here’s a breakdown of the different binders included in the bundle:
- Numbers
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Fact Families
- Place Value
- Measurement & Data
- Geometry
They are designed with Kindergarten and First Grade standards in mind, but include a variety of levels so that you can use the binders as an intervention tool for your students that are falling behind or create more of a challenge for your advanced students.
How do I differentiate the binders?
Well, that’s a great question.
First, pick the topic you are working on. Then choose from the differentiated activities included to best meet the needs of your students.
Let’s use addition as an example.
Many of the pages in the addition binder can be used with different problems. So I created color coded math problems so that your students can be working on the exact same skill, just at a different level.
Look at the picture below. All of your students can be using the same work mat and practice using tools to solve problems. But, you might give Johnny blue task cards (addition problems with sums up to 20) while Sam is using orange task cards (addition problems with sums up to 5). That way they can both successfully work on the math strategy and boost their math skills!
These activities are designed to be used over and over again. You can increase the difficulty level by switching out the level of task card in some of the activities.
Don’t want to use them in binders? Just laminate the activities and use them as centers. Even though they were designed to be used in a binder, that doesn’t mean that you can’t use the individual activities as centers instead. Just make sure you laminate the work mats and that you have all of the manipulatives prepped for that specific activity.
Want to try a Math Boost Binder activity for free?
Are you working on numbers, place value, tally marks, and using ten frames? This an engaging and hands-on way to boost number sense. You are going to love how simple it is to add this number of the day resource into your daily routine. All you have to do is prep this binder once, then your students can reuse the activities all year long while they boost their math skills.